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My name is Joe Cunningham. I am a photographer at large in Minnesota. Since 2003 I have been photographing on the streets of Minneapolis, sidetracking into various subcultures and music scenes, and never really putting my camera away because if I were to do that, a larger share of my pictures will be shot with an iPhone and that would be a bummer.
The reason I photograph a subject is because I want to see what it looks like photographed. Simple as that. However, my unconscious often has reasons it keeps to itself and that synergy makes for a healthy relationship between inner me, my eye, and my surroundings. Often, the act of making photography is simply me telling myself how I feel about someone, or something, or someplace, or sometime when the light was just so. I choose to share a lot of these feelings here in the form of slideshows which are added from time to time, and also more loosely in a daily journal on my Tumblr page.
If you are a musician, writer, model, another photographer, or something I haven’t guessed and want to collaborate or just could use my eye for some reason, please reach out. Have cameras, will travel.
Again, thank you for visiting.